I can't believe we are almost at the end of October already! 

Highlights from this month have included a lost 'first' tooth and visit from the tooth fairy, a  crazy dream about being chased by a corn cob on roller-skates which has since given us endless amusement and most excitedly - we have a walker! Another one. Gone are the days of putting him in one spot and keeping him there because not only has he learned to walk this month, he's also learnt to climb - on, up and around EVERYTHING! The window ledge is his new favourite standing spot as he shouts "bird, bird!" every times he sees one and given the opportunity, he can escape out the front door quicker than I could for a kid free night out!   

My eldest and I found a new iPhone game called 'Two Dots' and it's been an endless battle since. I think I'm winning, she knows she is. She also scored a perfect shot in her second ever game of mini golf,  winning herself a free game and has been reminding us of it ever since.  She seems to have grown up all of a sudden and is excited to be an eight year old next month. I'm not sure I can believe she's going to be eight!

My littlest girl has, after much begging - started gymnastic classes because she's almost six now and apparently "all six year olds NEED to be gymnasts Mum!"   She's already writing lists and planning her gymnastics birthday party for me and will spin and twirl wherever she can. We had fun discovering that she's suddenly far too big for aeroplane rides on my feet so we took a photo to commemorate what is definitely the last one she'll ever have. 

Our three year old discovered the word 'what' and has said it every time I've said something. Mostly I think just to hear me repeat whatever I say.. So his every 'what' has been followed by 'I beg your pardon' by me in an attempt to teach him what he should say. It isn't working.
He's still very dramatic and opinionated about going to childcare and insists on breaking my heart at every drop-off. 

All in all, its been a busy, busy month and I hope the next one is much quieter! Here are some of my favourite moments from this month. 
Please don't forget to follow the circle around to see what matters to everyone else in our 'Moments that Matter' group. 

This post is part of a blog circle I’m part of with some amazing artists called “Moments that Matter”.   
Please click on the link to see what matters to Rachel from Milky Art Photography this month.

This post is part of a blog circle I’m part of with some amazing artists called “Moments that Matter”.   
Please click on the link to see what matters to Rachel from Milky Art Photography this month.